Monday, December 11, 2006

Interesting Links from Prof. Kabay

I thoroughly enjoy the twice-weekly Security Strategies column written by Professor Mich Kabay of Norwich University in Vermont. There's always a hidden gem or two in every column, even in side comments he makes throughout the column that are easy to miss.

In a book review he did last week of Managing Cybersecurity Resources by Lawrence Gordon and Martin Loeb, he mentioned an information security writer, Robert Slade. He had a link to a fantastic list of book reviews done by Slade that I wanted to pass along. This is a gold mine for book junkies like myself who are always on the prowl for good reading in information security, among other things.

As a side note, I've always been grateful to Mich for a nice review he did of my book a year ago. After the review, Amazon sold out in one way and was backlogged with orders for two weeks. Mich helped put me and my book on the map.


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